This is all about the Invisible Zipper

Zippers serve various purposes and applications, but it is the invisible zipper that is my favorite.


Learning how to install an invisible zipper so it is truly invisible is a skill. When I first attempted to install an invisible zipper on a linen skirt, it was a long and tedious process that involved the dreaded seam ripper.


The most challenge part is learning how to align up the zipper in the seam allowance while ensuring an even seam on the garment when fastened. A properly installed invisible zipper will result in a truly invisible seam.


I recall breaking out into a sweat when the time arrived to install an invisible zipper. After several failed attempts, I realized it is all about the technique and process.

Each package has recommended steps and presser foot to install the zipper. But, I developed my own process that ensures I have a beautiful zipper installation each time.


Invisible zippers are one of the sleekest fasteners, in my opinion. With the proper presser foot and practice, anyone can master the installation of the invisible zipper resulting in a beautifully fastened garment.