NYAM Studio Renovation Plans are Underway

The space will include a retail showroom and a workroom to make the NYAM collection on site.

The beautiful floor, ceiling and posts are amazing structural features to incorporate in the design.

The design process includes creative collaborations with the design consultant, mood boards, sketches, layout designs, revisions, revisions and more revisions.

The workspace plans will be vital to a productive and streamlined design and construction process.

The showroom/retail space will capture a streamlined modern aesthetic creating a unique and interactive shopping experience.

This is the link to the NYAM STUDIO Panoramic View video of the current studio.

We would love for you to subscribe to the blog NYAM Modern Vintage Blog for instant updates on the progress of the renovations or read all the details of the journey thus far.

How to Organize Fashion Design Details

The design and sample making processes are underway at NYAM Studio. It’s an exciting time because I enjoy the process of compiling fabric swatches and constructing the garments. Each fabric choice and garment presents its own unique challenges or tweaks that will be required to make a beautiful garment.

Due to the level of detail involved during the design and sample making processes, I decided to use a magnetic/pin board to keep all elements on visual display. The design board includes the design sketches, sewing machine tension, serger tension, needles, thread, swatches, sources, and all other design notes incorporated into the creation of the sample.


This is an example of the “design board” for a sample that is currently on the cutting table.  Although some of the samples created may not be selected for the final collection, the creative processes involved definitely makes them worth documenting. In the event the concepts are revisited, all of the details will be catalogued and archived for future reference.



NYAM Studio relocated to a beautiful textile mill in Downtown area of Griffin, GA.

The layout of the new studio will be designed to include a work space for garment construction and a showroom/retail space for scheduled pop-up shops and fashion show/presentation events.

NYAM Studio is now located inside of the Broad Street Mill   NYAM Studio  – 324 E. Broad Street Suite 234, Griffin, GA 30223

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New and exciting ideas and designs are in the works for the launch of NYAM Modern Vintage so, feel free to join us along the way!


Parsons School of Design – Fashion Industry Essentials

Launching a clothing line inspired and motivated me to learn more about the fashion industry. The desire to learn and test the limits of my creativity and abilities led me to enroll in the Parsons School of Design – Fashion Industry Essentials certificate program.


The program focused on five aspects of the fashion industry.

  1. Unlocking Visual Style
  2. Thinking Like a Designer
  3. Understanding Fashion Production
  4. Working in Fashion Media
  5. Developing Fashion and Marketing PR Skills

Each class involved a series of video lessons and projects that were to be completed to successfully complete the program. The projects included the design of accessories, clothing, photography, styling, production, media and final portfolio project.

The details for the projects can be found in previous blog posts listed below.

Creating Marketing Style Photos with a Model

Editorial Photo Shoot

The HARPER Collection – 1 Yard Design

NYAM Signature Bag – Retail: $98.00

Signature Bag Final Product

Signature Bag Design Mockup

Clothing Sizes & Production Standards

Would you pay $25.75 for a pair glasses? – “Assembled Dopeness”

Retail Marketing. The Retail Magic.

Hello Audience. It’s Nice to Meet You.

2017 Summer Collection- 1980’s GRAFFITI ART Inspiration…

The program pushed me out of my comfort zone and provided me with the confirmation and a new thought process of how to approach the development of my first collection.